• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I’m ideologically opposed to party and institutional politics on a foundational level. The fact that people are forced to compromise on their values, the “lesser of two evils” system, the whole “closest to your values” thing is a horrible way to approach politics. It rings true if you don’t think about it too hard but it’s pretty bullshit. At the end of the day, when you are only permitted a political voice at the ballot box, you are forcing yourself into the labels you’ve been given by a group of parasites that do not share your interests…

    And yeah, single.issue voters probably have other issues. That doesn’t mean they fit within their chosen party’s platform. There are plenty of pro-lifers who fit better in the democratic camp on other issues but value abortion above the rest. I’m not saying it makes sense or is worthy of respect. It’s simply a thing that is

  • I understand that but they’re still in the party. AOC and Omar are Social Democrats but they still run under the Democrat ticket, for example. On the right we see a mix of right libertarians, fascists, Christian nationalists, white nationalists, esoteric fascistss, and neo-monarchists (I’m sure I’m missing a few), but they’re all running under the Republican ticket because our two party system is broken and incapable of capturing the sheer depth and diversity of political ideologies within the country. The labels of democrat and republican are largely useless on an interpersonal basis and only vaguely useful on a systemic scale.

    I’m an anarchist but my voter registration says democrat because I checked that box when I was 18 and never bothered changing it. You’d be “right” to call me a democrat, but only to a superficial and largely unimportant degree. I’m sure there are republicans in a similar situation as well and people who may be closer to democrats but choose to vote Republican due to specific policy issues. Abortion is one that comes to mind. It may be hard to believe but there truly are people out there who only care about abortion and otherwise have no strong political opinions outside of that. They would be a better fit for Republicans than Democrats. Again, the 2 party system is fucked and splitting hairs over people who don’t nearly fit into one of the boxes (which is 99.9% of people) is a pointless distraction

  • Kamala came in with some lip service to progressives at the beginning and has essentially adopted bidens platform with little in the way of changes. She’s doubled down on fracking, distanced herself from the green new deal, and courted the center right (Democrat or Republican) from the DNC forward. It’s not surprising but it’s disheartening to see so many people get fooled by what has been the typical Democrat playbook since the 90s. Biden was bad optics so they traded him out. Vote for her because she isn’t trump, but don’t pretend that she’ll do anything different than follow the party line like her and everybody before her.

    If you want to make some real change go ahead and vote for the Democrat. Then stop paying attention to electoral politics. Organize in your community. Agitate for worker unions in your work places and tenant unions in your neighborhood, start a political theory reading group, organize a food drive, free store, tool library, something. Literally anything other than wasting your precious time and energy on following the clown show in DC. None of them care about you. None of them want to help you. None of them are planning to make your life easier.

  • I’m not the person you replied to but I’ve been passively suicidal for about a decade. I read this article. It seemed a bit prescriptive and patronizing to me. I get the impression that the article is targeted towards people who are acutely suicidal. As someone who’s been chronically suicidal, I’ve noticed that there aren’t many resources that are similar to this for people in my situation. These suicide hotlines seem to be targeted at people who are experiencing acute distress over someone who’s been struggling with mental health for extended periods of time. I’m not going to say these resources are worthless, but they’re worthless to me and I would assume at least a few people who have similar problems. I’ve never felt compelled to reach out or search for resources like this. They’ve always felt insincere, similar to corporate PR speak or celebrity “apologies”. Like these hotlines are there so that people who aren’t suicidal can go “well, we gave them a phone number. We don’t need to feel bad that people are suffering cause we did what we could.” I’m sure these hotlines have helped people and they should stick around. I’m just jaded and cynical.

    I asked my wife about suicide hotlines too, she has periods of suicidal ideation and has attempted suicide when she was younger. She said it’s a coin flip for her. They either made her feel more distressed and therefore more suicidal, or they made her slightly less suicidal (enough to not act on it). She said in the moments they helped, they served as a reminder to not provide a permanent solution with a temporary problem. She also hates that phrase but couldn’t find a better way to word it haha.

    I’m not sure if what we said will help or hurt in your processing, but those are our honest perspectives

  • It isn’t theft, it’s copyright infringement. Otherwise known as a bullshit crime that corporations invented to force the state to protect their bottom line. An individual infringing on a corporations copyright is, at worst, neutral. The artists working on these movies, games, albums, etc are either salaried, contracted, or having the majority of their profits siphoned off from their publisher. If you really care about supporting artists, throw independent artists a few bucks where you can and “steal” to your hearts content from the companies that already exploit their creative workforce.

    Honestly, I wish pirating measurably hurt corporations bottom lines. They need to go down and that would be the easiest way to do it. But decades of rampant piracy have shown that piracy actually helps these companies in most instances, as people who have pirated a product and like it are more likely to purchase the product in the future compared to someone who simply hasn’t used the product in question.

    Additionally, many smaller or independent creators either don’t give a shit about piracy or actively encourage those without the means to pay to pirate it anyway. People who are doing it for the love of their craft aren’t profit centered ghouls who only care about enriching themselves and create things to contribute to our shared culture and entertainment. Pull your head out of your ass

  • I respectfully disagree, with the caveat that alcohol prices are highly location dependent. $25-50 will get you a great bottle of bourbon, rye, rum, cognac, etc. You’re right that aging drives up the price but you’ll be in good company for the majority of aged spirits. Exceptions being scotch and Irish whiskey but just barely. And even then you can find really good bottles in that price range for both if you know what you’re looking for. 100% agree that the fancy stuff is usually inflated due to marketing and other associated pap

  • Liquor in general. Don’t buy the cheapest shit on the shelf, go for the 25-50 range and you’ll be set. Unless it’s something you’re passionate about and enjoy exploring there’s no need to spring for the expensive booze. Liqueres and assorted (non liquor) cocktail ingredients on the otherhand… go for the genuine article. 99% of the time you’ll still be in that 25-50 range so I hardly see a point in being cheap with them

  • I see two goals in that paragraph:

    Fundraiser for Kamala

    Encourage Kamala to make a mastodon account and promote on it over other social media

    People have already donated hundreds of millions of dollars to her via more official channels. This is a grassroots fundraiser targeted specifically at mastodon users (and now the fediverse at large because of this post) with the stated incentive of trying to encourage Kamala to use mastodon over other platforms. You could chalk the mastodon but up as secondary but there isn’t even a third thing in that paragraph for the mastodon portion to be less important than. Given the amount of press the Harris campaign has already received, it seems like this fundraiser’s primary purpose is to promote mastodon via contributing to the campaign and tacitly asking Kamala to sign up.

    If mastodon users wanted to donate to the campaign, they have probably been exposed to several other avenues to do that before they would have even seen this. So what’s the point of doing a special “fediverse only” fundraiser? Apparently it’s to encourage her to create an account. It’s pandering and I don’t see a point in shilling a super special fediverse fundraiser for a candidate who’s already drowning in small donation money when that money could be used to promote the fediverse in a much more meaningful way

  • If the point of the fundraiser is to convince her to join mastodon, wouldn’t 450k send just as strong of a message as 500k? Do what you want with your money, but why? Why are we dumping hundreds of grand towards a politician (who’s just raised over 300mil in two weeks) on the off chance they will decide to make a mastodon account? The fundraiser even says “encourage her to create a distinct presence on mastodon”. The language is so noncommittal it seems like even the people who organized this don’t expect anything to happen after they dump a cool half mil into a campaign that’s already wildly successful.

    Imo if the point of this fundraiser is to promote and grow mastodon/the fediverse then why isn’t the money put towards ads, funding instances, developing the fediverse, or a million other things. That amount of money could go a very long way for the fediverse if it were put towards something other than a plea to Kamala Harris to pretty please maybe think about possibly signing up for mastodon

  • Within the broad context of AA and NA, I believe these organizations don’t permit the use of marijuana for members. That said, they’re decentralized support networks that vary from chapter to chapter so what may be ok for one group may not fly in another. I think if someone has made the decision to try a 12 step program, it is in their best interest to attempt the version of sobriety and recovery that is offered by it. It doesn’t work for everyone though and if pot is necessary to ensure the long term avoidance of other harmful substances, by all means. Do your thing.

    When I was a kid, I went to NA meetings with my dad sometimes and almost almost all of the members smoked and drank coffee. Social stigma is a big part of what makes addiction life destroying and as time has gone on, pot has come to be viewed more like beer or tobacco instead of meth and heroin. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that weed has become more integrated into people’s lives as they move away from harder substances during recovery.

    One last caveat: weed can just as easily hamper someone’s recovery as it can help it. I’ve had friends and family relapse after smoking because they thought it would be ok. All it did was make them crave their substance of choice more. Weed isn’t some miracle cure for recovery from hard substances, it seems like more of a coin flip whether it will help you or harm you in the long run