A digital citizen

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • What an idiot, especially when he blames his ignorance on his religious and political stances.

    Also dumb, saying this to a newspaper formerly conceived of, headquartered, and printed in the same county that launches the most stuff to space, Brevard county Florida, aka the Space Coast, where you can see stuff being launched to space almost daily, ans almost from any part of the county, including from my backyard pool.

    We need way more pushback against people spouting this level of ignorance.

  • Gary Clarke Jr. Has some good protest songs, especially for a blues musician, including a remake of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young’s Ohio.

    Municipal Waste is great for some hardcore, there’s actually a bunch of hardcore bands that have some excellent protest songs.

    Then you have Ice-T’s Body Count.

    Lamb of God’s albums post-Randy’s time in a Czech prison have been full of social commentary, far more than the earlier albums.

    I’ve seen people highlight Killer Mike’s Grammy wins, but his other group Run the Jewels is pretty much the biggest name in protest rap these days.

    Then you have Kendrick Lamar, possibly the best rapper of his generation, absolutely one of the greatest story tellers of rap, period.

    Overall there’s a lot of pop, metal, rock, rap and other genres who have some prominent names and many lesser known names who are putting out good angry music.

    Then you have Ice Cube putting out Arrest the President then proceeding to talk about voting for that same president.🤦‍♂️

  • I’m definitely not a swiftie, but she does have some catchy music, and Shake it off was the default song for getting my kids out of bad moods and over bad days.

    I also used to think she was a catty bitch for the way she was caught on camera making a face when Selena Gomez was with Bieber. However since then I’ve heard her speak about things she cares about and I appreciate her passion and that she’s against the things I’m generally against, she definitely seems to care and motivate her swifties to care about the right things, and that makes me tend to support her.

  • Most guards could not give a shit less, they’re there to do their jobs and go home, so if you’re not going to volunteer some other person will, or they’ll just take whomever did volunteer. Sure you might run into some dickhead guard that demands it but that guard is just a symptom of our broken system and is most likely operating in a manner that would get them in trouble if the right people are notified.

    But as I said to another person who replied to me that then you have prisons like Angola, which are basically just concentration camps, they staff the place with brutal guards purposely to keep the place viciously violent, and every single one of the prisons like Angola should be shut down with the staff prosected.

    So it really depends on the prison, but the majority are of the more mellow variety, although overpopulation makes the more mellow prisons drastically less mellow.

  • That’s being a bit Hyperbolic, and these aren’t the types of prisons or jails where you’re stuck in a cell all day, that’s your misconception, the only people who are locked up like that are the ones that have proven themselves too dangerous to be around others, or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be when our prison system is working correctly, and the only prisons where that’s consistently their prison existence is the SuperMax prisons, because again, those people are too dangerous to let roam without supervision.

    Mostly it’s just a chance to get out from behind the walls and the fences, sure they’d rather be free, but I’m sure we’d all rather they not do shut that gets them put in prison, and regardless of your feelings towards prisons people who commit crimes, real crimes, belong there, or some form of prison that emphasizes rehabilitation.