Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I think for ongoing properties, it could create an interesting competition between different companies/artists, and I’d expect the original creators to fully cash in on “I’m the creator of [whatever], this is the real canon!” in order to keep loyal customers/fans

    I fully expect game companies to not like this one bit, because live service games, like World of Warcraft or Fortnite, would, sooner or later, have to release source code in the public domain, allowing anyone to check it, create identical, better or worse clones or, worse, hacking tools that might still work on the more current version.

    For stuff like the current offering of Adobe that relies so fucking much on “the cloud”, now that would be tricky and another significant battle, as they’d eventually have to give up the code for Illustrator, Photoshop, etc, as well as whatever server software their cloud uses, or point to said cloud’s owner. The same would apply for Autodesk, Corel, Microsoft, Apple and Google. Imagine finally having an open source Windows XP! 😆

    EDIT: What is a lot more likely to become problematic is server-side bank software and some government software that is used for a country’s respective army or intelligence services. Boy, THOSE will definitely fight, or want a very specific clause for their cases, which makes sense.

  • Are you saying that the copyright is held too long?

    I personally think so. 20-30 years for the authors would be enough, in my opinion. For company held copyright, it should be 8-12 years, counting from the date of creation - transferring the rights back to an individual would NOT give any extra time

    That’d make basically every game and movie become public domain after a decade or so. If you applied 30 years of copyright to everything, nowadays we’d have public access to every game released up to 1994, which means the majority of the SNES and Mega Drive/Genesis catalogs.

    Too bad any change wouldn’t apply retroactively, so we’d still have to wait for the 2030s to come by before 1940s stuff becomes public domain.

  • Money is power. Power corrupts.

    Frankly, I think 5 million USD should be enough for anyone pretty much anywhere in the world to live the rest of their lives comfortably. Taking 1 million out to spend immediately and leaving the rest in a savings account, even at 2% interest per year, you’re getting 6666 per month, or 80k per year.

    For me, personally, living in Brazil, 600k dollars would probably keep me afloat for the rest of my life with my current expenses and comfort. That’s roughly twice my current salary for the next 25 years.

    So, when is it fucking enough!? When will these people have enough money?

    For many, it’s never enough, because they see it as a competition, one about showing off “wealth” in the most cringe way possible (just look at all the assholes that love to show off their expensive car collection) and also where they interpret rules like in the Munchkin card game: it’s ok to cheat, so long as you don’t get caught.

  • Earth Defense Force 4 or 5 can be good “training” games. They’re 3rd person shooters, you’ll spend more time moving around than aiming, since your targets will be giant insects, giant spiders, giant aliens and giant alien ships. Even playing online with randos is fine and fun, and I say that as a similar 30+ yo dude.

    It’s a grindy game tho and, much like Dynasty Warriors, you should NOT let your pride dictate that you should “start with hard”. Go with medium and, if shit gets too hard, drop down to easy, get better weapons and more health, then come back with a vengeance

  • I had to look that up, it’s just too good to pass.

    (Cassius Dio, contemporary historian) tells us that the empress teased her companion (the wife of Argentocoxos, a Caledonian chief) by saying that Caledonian women indulge in a sexual free-for-all, sharing their beds with different men while making no attempt to conceal their adultery. To a respectable aristocratic lady like Julia, such brazen promiscuity would indeed have seemed worthy of comment. We then see the wife of Argentocoxos swiftly responding with what Dio calls ‘a witty remark’ of her own:

    “We fulfil the demands of nature in a much better way than do you Roman women; for we consort openly with the best men, whereas you let yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest.”

    A bit further below, however

    The consensus view among present-day historians is that he simply invented the speech quoted above.

    Sauce - https://senchus.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/julia-and-the-caledonian-women/