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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • You mean the USPS that can send a letter to anyone in the US, no matter how remote, for less than $1.

    The USPS that has had its funding messed with for decades by Republicans trying to make private shipping the only option?

    The USPS that is guaranteed by the Constitution to exist and provide services?

    Yeah, let’s ditch this amazing service that provides stable union jobs everywhere in the US, and just let private industry take over, that works so well every other time we’ve done it.

  • Doomerism is very in right now, but lots of things are getting better. It’s hard to see through all the social media, but if you curate your feeds to things like science and educational information, you can see all the wonderful things people are learning and making.

    Sure, there are a lot of selfish, shitty people out there making a lot of noise, but in the background, there’s the same great people just chugging along making things better.

    Just chug along with them and vote for the people that align with your values, and do the best you can.

    Like Mr. Rogers used to say, when you see bad things happen, just look for the helpers. The first thing that always happens after a tragedy, is people line up to help. It’s our natural instinct.

  • Ehhh… I wouldn’t go so far as to call him apolitical. I used to watch his stuff, but he’s drifted pretty right over the years. His stuff used to be pretty neutral, but since he started his book publishing, and the WWSD rifle project, he’s just been slipping right wing stuff into his content.

    It doesn’t show up in the mainline informational videos too much, but his ad pushes and his side projects, which also show up on his main youtube channel, definitely have slid downhill.