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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • All this talk of xenophobia and racism, which I get are indeed often reasons why people do this, but there’s a certain show of lack of respect for the new home country if there’s not even an effort made. If someone is visiting a country, I get there’s an exception, but if someone moves to a country, it shouldn’t be uncalled for to expect at least a minor effort to learn just enough of the new language to transact/survive. That’s something I see a lot as an American, and it frustrates me- Folks who move here and have been here for years, but can’t learn enough to at least sort of transact. I have so much respect (often more for them than natives) for those who learn even a couple words so I can do my job to help them, but then there are folks who I’ve seen for years that still refuse to learn a single word of English, so we play the mime game trying to figure out what they want. If I move to another country, you bet your ass I’m not going to expect them to speak English, and I’ll do what I can to at least learn some words or phrases so I can interact with the populace around me. I feel like that is one of the most significant forms of respect for a new home country that one can show. Not everyone is as nuanced in their outlook and opinions, and a lot of those folks are indeed racist xenophobic.

  • Weed, alcohol, nicotine, mushrooms, ecstasy/molly (the pills have been cut with heroin, coke, meth, mescaline), LSD, Salvia, opium, Percocet, and my kid’s cuddles (I swear to god, that counts, and it’s probably the most intoxicating). I’ve also done some random ass herbs I bought online that were supposed to have an effect, but never did. Questions welcome lol. I will also add, everything but the first 3 were about a decade before I had my kiddos, so no worries there.

  • Let me use marvel as the best example, regardless of the fact that there are many others. The marvel movies used to be something you needed to see. But of the shows and movies recently, there have been some true garbage offerings to the modern viewer: Black widow, Falcon and winter, Ms marvel, Secret invasion, Wakanda Forever, Eternals, (for some, not me) she hulk, Hawkeye… pretty much everything but Shang chi and Wandavision, have been absolute garbage. True dreck trash that had no business flying the marvel banner, and it wasn’t fatigue, regardless of what many like to say, instead they were just poorly made garbage. The writing and production on these things are barely mediocre at absolute best. Other examples are WW84, the flash, and pretty much all DC titles ever since The Dark knight (short of The Batman and Joker). All of these things are such garbage that it truly is an embarrassment to the entire genre, and makes me think more and more that the cancellation of Batgirl was actually a good thing. The only good DC in the recent times besides what I held is Aquaman (not an Original WW fan, so idk what to tell ya). None of these are fatigue, they are very clearly poorly produced products that are just pushed out for the money of it all, and not the actual art that could be made, or the adherence to the original story that could be maintained. If another phenomenal hero title comes out, then I’m there day one to see it. But if they keep offering failures at story telling, then what’s the point?

    I’m sure that most of society feel like they’re feeling some fatigue of some kind, but it’s bad story fatigue whether they know it or not. The studios need to find better and more compelling stories to tell, or the public will truly convince itself that it is actual superhero fatigue and the stories will depart for decades until a nostalgia wave hits. Hopefully the studios realize this, and start putting out quality content, otherwise, those of us who are true fans, will be doomed to the same crap from the early 00’s that we had before. Yes some of it was good, but really think back to the heyday of the marvel flicks, right after the first avengers when the Thanos anticipation was truly palpable, and it seemed like marvel could do no wrong. Then think about stinkers like Dark World or Ultron, and consider how they were capable of recovering from that. Long story short, it’s the writing and production, not fatigue.