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Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Also in this totally truthful article:

    • Germany and France need to push Ukraine for peace negotiations
    • Russia never wanted anything but to protect the Donbas
    • Russia didn’t start the war, but NATO did with their constant aggression while already threatening Russia with missiles from Turkey
    • Russia would never attack anyone and the baltics or Poland are just hallucinating.
    • It’s all the German Greens fault (important as that’s the narrative in Germany repeated about 5 times per day by all opposition) because their insane ideology with not clue about reality makes them constantly offend Russia and China, so those poor babies are basically forced to cooperate when they all just want peace and cooperation with Germany
    • Putin never lied or broke his word
    • the public discussion in Germany is faked so its stupid and US controlled government can pretend that they are not working against their own population
    • Nordstream 2 needs to start operation quickly to save Germany’s economy, the lines sabotaged by the US are actually easy to repair
    • only the Putin-cuddlers in Germany’s fringe left party are understanding reality

    I guess I will save this piece of crap as a reference. Every bit of Russian and Kremlin-induced propaganda in one neat package.

  • Spineless moron doing spinelessly moronic things like always because pandering to far-right populist narratives is totally not stupid.

    For reference (because the media is refusing to ever tell us the actual facts that don’t fit the right-wing narratives):

    More than 15 years ago there were ~50.000 people (compared to a population of 81 million) that were due to leaving the country again but hadn’t done so already.

    15 years later -and with between 100.000 and up to 1 million refugees coming in each year- that number has risen to … *insert drum-rolls here… ~54.000 people (now compared to a population of 84,5 million).

    It’s basically a constant. Because there isn’t some magical huge amount of people illegally in Germany. They actually get deported or are leaving otherwise. That (rediculous low) number (in a country of that size) is basically made up by people delayed while leaving (often by weeks or some months… which is basically within the delays the stupid bureaucracy is already introducing).

  • No, they didn’t hire Hamas. They actually created them like they exist today.

    By not doing anything after the Oslo agreements and just sitting their happily that they could de facto occopy the area while someone else (the internation community) pays until Hamas got a majority in 2006.

    By even then not supporting the peaceful side against Hamas but sitting their gloating as Palestinians killed Palestinians.

    By indirectly supporting Hamas to use them as an excuse showing that the National Authority isn’t speaking for Palestinians and so there is no need to work with them in any way.

  • Israel needs to have Hamas exist, so that they can have Hamas as the bad guy - the non-trusted entity that can never be welcomed into negotiation. As a result of that, they will only negotiate with the good guy - The Palestinian Authority - the only so-called legitimate representative of Palestinian people.

    There is actually more to this. Israel’s government used the argument that Hamas exist -and so the National Authority isn’t talking for all Palestinians- as an excuse to not negotiate with your so called “good guy” at all.

  • Funny how you equate 1+1=2 with the fairy tales totally unironically talked about regarding nuclear power and renewables constantly.

    The simple truth is: Countries in Europe planning to build nuclear are failing their energy transition right now. Because none is building enough capacity to cover just the minimal base load for the projected demand in ~2 decades (that will massively increase because of electrification/decarbonisation). Why don’t they plan enough? Because no one knows how to even foot that bill. (PS: France is close if they actually build 14 new big reactors… not the 6 they are openly talking about with 8 optional ones - the full set of 14. But even in basically THE nuclear country in Europe you can’t tell the population honestly how massive the required investions are.) That is actually simply math…

  • That’s the thing. In some countries that works well… in others not so.

    For example Germany has very low home ownership (especially in cities where it would be even easier with lower distances) and very low centralisation and the public loading infrastructure just isn’t there (and will need to me massive compared to some other countries), while the US has the home ownership and better centralisation but is limited by their shitty 120V grid.

    Smaller or better centralised countries with higher amount of home ownership in Europe on a 230V grid on the other hand work perfectly.

  • And even if you were able to keep building it, you will soon run into the storage problem which is still potentially more costly

    I will tell you a secret: Nuclear power doesn’t work without storage either. That’s just something they will not tell you as that’s their biggest pro-nuclear/anti-renewable argument.

    Nuclear is expensive and running the amount necessary in winter is only viable because you have an overproduction most of the year to export. But when everyone runs either on nuclear, nuclear and renewables or renewables and storage, there is no demand most of year (as everyone is overproducing) and also nobody to import from in a few especially cold weeks in winter (so you need even more nuclear power you won’t need most of the year). That’s completely unaffordable unless you put in storage in place to cover some of your winter demand and export time-independent when there is demand in other countries (which is why French models for 2050+ plan with huge capacities of hydrogen production - not the most efficient way of storage, but good for export).

    where it’s buildout may have to be many times more expensive to save power for months

    Actually weeks. Wind and solar are quite complementary. So you only need to cover the rare circumstance of cloudy and windless… which doesn’t happen more than may 3 weeks a year, barely more than a few days in a row (in a lot of countries even less if you geographically diversify).

  • Why should it have been Israel’s job to stop a civil war that’s happening in a non-Israeli controlled territory?

    But that’s the point: It happened in Israeli-controlled territory. They did nothing for a decade after 1993 while de facto still occupying the areas with no change in sight, then wondered why the National Authority lost support in the population and then still couldn’t bring themselved to support that peaceful government cooperating with them over radicals bent on destroying Israel.

    That’s the level of priority peace actually had for Israel. They created Hamas support in the first place by a decade of governing the status quo when the plan should have been to gradually work for more autonomy for Palestinians and peaceful co-existence, then they indirectly supported Hamas by using them for even more excuses to not move on with the planned peace process and now they pretend they have no other choice but killing Palestinians to root out Hamas. When in reality they had a lot of choices for 30 years. And chose the route of escalation every single time.

  • Are the Palestinian people cracking down on Hamas themselves? No, Hamas is operating as their government on the strip.

    Yeah… those bad Palestinians not doing anything against Hamas while they took control of Gaza… oh, wait. That’s not what actually happenend.

    Was Israel cracking down on Hamas 16 years ago when there were open fights between Hamas and Palestinians fighting against them? Or were they sitting on the sideline gloating and watching Palestinians fighting other Palestinians until Hamas controlled Gaza?

    Was Isreal cracking down on Hamas in Gaza in the last decade? Or were they just using Hamas as an excuse to kill civilians and to argue that the National Authority obviously doesn’t speak for all Palestinians, so there is no need to talk to them or work for peaceful solution?

  • That’s only a question when you conpletely ignore history and pretend that nothing happened before. Terrorist don’t jsut pop up randomly. They are created by circumstances.

    You shouldn’t ask “what’s the solution to a terrorist group embedded in a civil population”. Your actual question should be “What did we do to create that problem and how could if have been prevented?”. Even if you only ask that to not do the same shit again…

    And in Israel’s case the answer is very easy. They could have worked on peace and independence of Palestinia 30 years ago, like it was planend when the National Autority was created to gradually do that. Instead they spend more than a decade on being happy with the status quo of an occupation they don’t even had to pay for as that was covered by international partners… until Hamas got a majority in 2006. Then they could have supported the peaceful government in their fight against Hamas ~15 years ago. Instead they watched cheering for Palestinians fighting other Palestinians… until Hamas controlled Gaza. And then they could have still spend more than a decade of limiting Hamas’ influence. Instead it was Israel’s government that used Hamas as an excuse to to show the National Authority wasn’t speaking for all Palestinians and so they wouldn’t need to work with them for any peace.

    30 years of bullshit and then asking “what do we do about Hamas?” when the real question is “why did we create Hamas like it is today and why are we still continuing the exact same course?”.

  • That’s nothing new. Everything is used for politics nowadays and if there is some chance to portray a decision as bad (no matter if you need to leave out details) then someone will try to do it.

    We have the constant discussion in Germany about “how the spineless Green party campaigned on reducing arms exports and instantly reversed their stance once in government”. That the arms deals they wanted to reduce went to countries like Qatar oder Egypt while the increase now is going to NATO allies and Ukraine is of course never mentioned as gray areas and details have no place in the populistic bullshit political discussion has become.