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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • Okay I brought that on myself there by adding

    To be clear, no I do not say that lightly.

    First, we are blowing waaay past all earlier expectations, e.g. those made a decade ago. Second, as the other commenter said, we aren’t all going to make it (though you are correct, neither are we “all” going to die - I was being hyperbolic, but then later came and added the aforementioned sentence that did not mesh well into my comment). Third, the randomness of it all is mind-boggling, e.g. remember that one day that the temperature went up by a full 70 degrees F? Imagine it being 100 degrees already, as so many places already (almost) are in the USA, and then such a spike occurs making it 170 for that day - yeah, some people are going to survive it, but what about the plants, the animals, i.e. the crops, the wildlife, the entire ecosystem that exists outside of a cushy building that has A/C?

    Anyway, thank you for the correction. I should have said that we aren’t all going to make it.


    Wait, scratch that - “many” rather than “all”!:-P

    All of that aside, it does seem a pretty huge deal, more so than these political matters even.

  • As someone who might be targeted and killed as this drags on, I’m not really worrying about it much. Control whatever you can, be aware obviously, but what more could you possibly do? Monday’s ruling is already in the past - I mean to say that we’ve already made our choices, long ago (some people have seen this coming for nearly a decade now), and all that is left is to live (or whatever) with them. It “helps” that climate change awaits to kill us all regardless of who wins the next election. To be clear, no I do not say that lightly.

    Hypothetical illustration: let’s say that you are a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Do you jump forward? Backwards? Remain still? Duck? Jump straight up vertically into the air as high as you can? Once in this position, no matter what you do there are risks, and your choices are limited, with the outcome of your decisions mostly not up to you. Side-note: you could maybe not have jumped out straight in front of a speeding car… but that choice is behind you now, and you can only deal with what is, not what you wish had been.

    So don’t panic unduly - that isn’t helpful - just focus on doing the next correct thing, and the rest… well, isn’t up to you.

  • Excellently articulated. Perhaps there’s a simple explanation for all of this - perhaps he’s sick, or if we really want to get conspiratorial, even maliciously poisoned? (I’m trying to convey something that would be outside of his control hence not remotely his fault in any way.)

    The thing is, it doesn’t matter. He could have cancelled the debate altogether, but instead he rushed through it. This seems reminiscent of his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which tbf was 99.9% Trump’s deal, except the handling of it was Biden’s, and revealed some about his personality, to ignore his advisors and substitute his own knowledge for theirs. Which is fine, it’s his prerogative as President to do exactly that, except… he was wrong. The first and basically only job of a leader is to pick good advisors and listen to them, so as to be correct. (Then, if time, train someone else to do likewise.)

    This is also reminiscent of Bill Clinton’s handling of his sexual scandals - it happens, but then he went and lied about it to the Supreme Court, which was a whole other thing.

    So now, people are - FOR SOME REASON - not quite trusting that what Biden is saying is truthful. Maybe he means well, maybe it really is temporary, but again, none of that is relevant. He needs to reassure people, if not last week’s opportunity then create some new one, that he really does have what it takes to go the distance and be the leader of the United States of America for the next four years.

    Fuck, I’m freaking out, bc Trump is going to win.:-( Anyway, thank you for keeping your head about you as the rest of us lose ours - your calm and cogent analyses of things are helpful to read:-).

  • The mainstream media is bought by the trillionaires, so I’m mostly ignoring them.

    I thought The Atlantic was basically the last one left. Even The Guardian has encroached first into clickbait titles and now several paragraphs at the top of clickbait content even if the latter part of an article can finally get into real stuff. So it is in transition as it finishes off the enshittification process it already began.

    But The Atlantic… I hold to a different standard, in my mind, and when they speak, I still listen. Perhaps I shouldn’t - can you point to an example from them that shows that they have jumped the shark too? The Atlantic isn’t in the same class as e.g. the NYT!!?! They are still worthwhile (I thought?)!

    So media aside, people - especially young people that don’t have the personal history with political matters - they watched the debate, or saw clips of its worst moments. They see this shit with their own eyes. It’s not just the media doing a hit job, as has been true in the past. This time it’s real.

    Asking your President to remain awake during a conversation, especially one prepared for literally weeks to months in advance does not sound like bullshit to me. Rather it sounds like the basic foundation for any job that I’ve ever had personally, and have ever so much as heard of.

    Perhaps Biden('s people) should not have agreed to a debate in this format, giving only 2 minutes for each question, that favored Trump’s style of false but pithy statements? Nonetheless, he did agree…

    Also I’m not saying he’s senile, though I would like for a real test to be done. In any case, can we agree that it doesn’t matter at this point? Doing the debate in that manner caused a LOT of harm to his campaign. Maybe I’m just not stating it in the right words, but that’s more along the lines of what I mean…

    In more detail: we cannot control people. Hillary Clinton failed to earn sufficient votes, and Trump won in 2016. Now, is Biden repeating the same pattern? Vote Blue No Matter Who is an authoritarian dogma - but we have no power to enforce it. People, especially the youth, will do as they please. The only hope is to try to earn it? That’s going to be a LOT more difficult now, than it was prior to the debate…

  • Also, his debates last time weren’t… ideal, but he at least remained awake during them!? Anyway, I’m with you: I understand someone wanting him to win, but how on earth can this be considered a done deal already?

    There is a time and a place to stop all questions and get to work. But we aren’t there yet!? And being ready to change one’s mind based on the most current set of facts is literally the hallmark of the Age of Enlightenment, as opposed to e.g. the divine right of rulers to continue for as long as they wish to?

  • Perhaps you missed the last almost 4 years where people were doing precisely that. There was this whole thing with Ron Desantis, and Nikki Haley, and the brainworms inside of JFK, Jr., etc. It didn’t work, and his base chose Trump, if not unanimously then close enough to it, and also far back enough in the past for such a call to not be relevant anymore. Plus conservatives are just different kinds of people - for them, power is not bestowed upon someone by We The People, but ripped out of the people’s hands by force of will. Might does make Right after all, in their playbook.

    But Dems are not choosing Biden. Also, no primaries are being held. So asking him to drop out is the last hope before holding your nose and voting for him anyway, hoping against hope that just like for Hillary, others do as well (although in that case… well, I’m sure this time will be different. Why am I sure? Bc… shut up, that’s why!:-P /s).

  • I for one have not read the original text of the actual ruling. To be clear, nor would I understand the legalese wording if I had.

    I think we are just waiting to be told how to feel about it, by people who actually know stuff. And they are probably afraid of getting killed (literally) at this point.

    Like Biden has known about the Supreme Court’s bent for awhile now, and the Heritage Foundation too, but what does he do about it all? I mean… did you see the last debate? Regardless of that, how does his excuse hold water that he was jet lagged from traveling, when that was literally weeks ago in the past? This is our white knight savior who we all look to in order to save us all, with no effort required on our parts, except maybe to go vote, not even as often as once a year?

    Similar to climate change, whatever is going to happen, I suspect it already has, possibly up to or more than a decade ago. And that’s about all I can guess at. Note that I’m not trying to be fatalistic, but if this attempt at realism appears similar to that, perhaps there’s a reason.