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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • When my siblings and I were kids, our parents considered themselves christian and we went to church. But as we grew up, we all stopped believing, and we convinced our parents to stop too. I don’t generally want to convince most religious people to stop, but we were kids at the time and didn’t really know the ramifications of disillusioning our parents. If religious people can believe in “heaven”(or equivalent) and think they are going there, it’s a really nice thought that I don’t want to take away from them. But people that use religion to hurt people, yeah I kind of want to take it away from them. I guess like anything else in life, if you are using it to be nice and constructive, cool. If you are using it to hurt people, take it away.

    The real version of death kind of sucks. It honestly kind of physically hurts/feels bad to even think about ceasing to exist permanently. I feel like that has always been the true purpose and main point of religion. Pretending death is absolutely anything else other than what it really is. I don’t want to take that aspect away from anyone.

  • Nowadays, it is exactly as complex as it sounds. There is a ton of blending, pitch and playrate tweaking, separate modifiers for current rpm and how much the accelerator is currently depressed. And yeah, like hundreds of recorded samples from the real car when possible, or a similar sounding car when not possible.

    We are probably on the verge of getting to a point where a rough simulation might soon be able to take over for this process. It won’t sound as good for a while still, but it will be cheaper and faster soon. And as time goes on, it’ll get close enough to sounding right while continuing to decrease in cost and time taken to a point where it’ll be the only way to do it eventually

  • Well, you got the answers you were looking for, here is a different answer. To your other implied question, how to not worry about dust getting in other holes.

    Main thing is to develop positive air pressure. You want more powered intake than powered exhaust.

    Use fans for all your filtered air intakes, ignore powered air exhaust, run it at lower fan speeds if you can. Air will get out fine. If you force the air in where you want it to go in, dust will only go into the easily removable filters, it won’t be on your components. Any extra hole in the case will just be exhausting the already filtered air. Then just remember to actually check and clean your filters. That’s the hard part. But if you clean them when they need to be cleaned, you will never have to actually clean the inside or the fans or components or anything else, just the filters.

  • Ah, I thought populous was more popular than that. I guess it was just popular in my friend group at the time. Would have been populous 1 and 2 we were playing, I didn’t even know a third one came out. I guess the most recent god game would be Godus, developed by peter molyneux’s current company. Essentially a modern sequel to populous 1 and 2. I haven’t actually tried it yet, last I looked it was still in beta or early access or something. And it looks like that makes sense as it apparently has been in early access for over 10 years… it seems decently high rated, but that is kind of concerning none the less.

  • Almost all of them. I rarely finish a game. For a variety of reasons, all added together. The closer I get to the end, the more I want to put it off if I’m enjoying a game, so I will keep finding more and more nuanced stuff to do instead. A new game comes out and I eventually completely forget one of the 10 games I’m currently actively playing when it temporarily becomes 11, then back down to 10. My friends stop playing a game, but my character relied on them… maybe I’ll just start over with a character that can solo. Maybe that game will just go on the pile of “not today, but I’ll play it soon”, until it’s been in the pile so long that there isn’t much point anymore.

    I should mention I am autistic and likely adhd but I haven’t got that diagnosed yet. So while some of this is probably normal behaviours, some of it probably isn’t too.

  • You can set Virtual Desktop to use them as either an xbox or playstation controller. It’s a 20 dollar program, but I would consider it a mandatory part of any VR setup, factor it in to the total price. But I really recommend a new headset, Quest 2 and Quest 3 were both huge leaps. Quest 3 is clear enough that a 4k virtual screen looks much better than a 1440p screen in it. Even though it shouldn’t have enough pixels for that to be the case, in practice the sort of temporal anti aliasing you get just from the micro-movements of your head is enough to make it the case. Going from 1 to 3 with no in-between would be nuts. For now though, Quest 1 controls can indeed be used that way.

  • VR is done with a controller for each hand. Nice to play old emulated games on a virtual 4k screen set up wherever you want at any given moment, any size and distance. There are regular olden days style flat screen emulators, but also a few systems have full VR emulators too, they convert the games into 3D, either immersive first person or diorama mode. There is also a 3DS emulator in VR so you can play 3DS games in perfect 3D and instead of 400x240(240p), you can play in 1080p or more. And if you missed out and are curious about Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, of course there are VR emulators for that. There were some pretty cool games, and now they don’t have to only be in various shades of red. You can pick which color they are various shades of. And there is a project currently in the works to colorize each game properly instead, as an overlay.

    Can also play while laying down and put the screen on your roof. Or play while a passenger in a car, bus, train, plane.

    And with VR, hand motions are 1 to 1, no waggles, but also no exaggeration. You move your hand exactly how you want to swing your racket, or sword, or staff. People have gotten pretty creative with spell casting in various games.

    But yeah, great way to play wii games. Especially the ones that supported wii motion plus. Wii is one of the systems where you can choose to play in VR, not just flat screen. Gamecube too, cuz same emulator.

  • And, you’d want/need redundancy. One on-site back up for quick restoration and one off-site for surviving physical disaster. So, you’d need at least 3 times that. In HDD prices, that is roughly 2.5 million per set-up, or 7.5 million total for all three. And in SSD prices, well it’s about 3x that. 7.5 million per set up and 22.5million for all three.

    An alternate option is a distributed back-up. They could have people volunteer to store and host like 10 gigs each, and just hand out each 10 gig chunk to 10 different people. That would take alot of work to set up, but it would be alot safer. And there are already programs/systems like that to model after. 10 gigs is just an example, might be more successful or even more possible in chunks of 1-2 terabytes. Basically one full hard drive per volunteer.

    Lol, had to add that after doing the math for 10 gigs to ten people and realising that was 1000 people per terabyte, so would take 150 million volunteers. Even at 2 petabytes each, assuming we still wanted 10x redundancy in that model, it would be like 750 thousand volunteers or something like that. Maybe there is no sustainable volunteer driven model, lol.

  • While I agree with your premise, I don’t like that your list is what came to mind when you thought of unnecessary laws. Those are some of the best laws we have. It sucks being hypersensory and trying to live a real life, and literally 25% of the population is. With hyposensory people (another 25% of the population) just acting like we are all whiners for experiencing every sense as much as 4x as strongly as they do. “No one could possibly be that annoyed by something that barely affects me, they are just too sensitive”. Well, yes. Technically that is the problem, but our sensitivity is physical and not by choice.