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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I like to use Oregon Trail generation too. It’s the perfect label for those of us who essentially had computers inserted into our childhoods at some point.

    Computers pre-date us by a lot, obviously, but it’s more about the mass market computers (and home video game systems) that normal people could access.

  • Yeah, but in life in general, not on here. I’ve been pushing unnecessary negativity out of my life. Even in my own family, I’ve learned how people that love me and are nice to me can still be a total fucking downer and miserable to be around.

    If I’m hopping on Lemmy or reading/watching some news, I know I’m going to see negative stuff. But that’s fine. You can’t learn to deal with negative shit by sheltering yourself from it completely. Think of it like your mental health immune system.

  • I think our culture teaches many of us that a good life means excelling and success in all facets of life. If you win everything, surely you would be happy!

    IMO the trick is to realize that you have a budget for your attention and energy. Figure out what matters to you, not what you are supposed to care about. Figure out what future you will be glad you did.

    For me, this involved leaning into some responsibilities that bring me joy (family, pets, learning for its own sake, hobbies, etc). It meant not putting as much mental energy into things that I’m supposed to be very concerned about because life reasons, but which are neutral to negative on my actual mental state (get into management, focus on learning job-related or money-making things, size of house/cars/yard, etc).

    Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and I work with great people. But at the same time, for a couple years now, I’ve spent more time thinking about upgrades to the pond in my back yard than my career development. And I wouldn’t be writing this if I wasn’t better for it.

    Standard disclaimer: we are all different. Somebody who gets genuine fulfillment from hammering away at their career is not necessarily a bad thing.

  • Yep. In industrial settings, including distribution and sortation facilities for all the packages that reach your door, a broken wire can mean downtime and a bunch of lost money every minute.

    The engineers not only specify the exact quality of wire/cable that must be used, but often put that inside rigid steel conduit and limit where it can be run, all to protect the wire. And that’s before you get into redundant routes for the really important stuff, which could even use a different type of cable like fiber.