Go make something interesting before the world burns out

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,”  It’s like nails on a chalkboard every time I hear it. There is a very limited context where it may be applicable, but mostly it’s used to give up trying or mock someone for failing a task. Have you never gotten better at something over time? Learned an instrument? Played a hard video game? Learned to ride a bike? It stops problem solving dead and kills motivation making it less than useless. Oh and its misattributed to Einstein like every other shitty quote

  • Yeah but I wasn’t for a long time. There was a spiderman cartoon where mary jane was targeted for murder because her name was in a database of organ donors and the villain needed her organs for his wife or something. scared the shit out of me when I was a kid and I had a knee jerk reaction when filling out the form I never really thought about. someone had to directly ask me before I realized I had based this decision on a cartoon I saw when I was 5.

  • I don’t think it ever sat right with me but I couldn’t say why at first. When I was pretty young the problem made itself more clear when we got a new pastor. I didn’t agree with what he was saying and perhaps more importantly what he was saying didn’t agree with what his predecessor was saying. I brought this up to my parents and they said that he wasn’t right about everything. Well that’s a problem then because it means all these beliefs are subjective. The more I thought about any one story parable text or anything, the more I thought that this is just another person who doesn’t really know anything. Even where it says “This is the word of god” Someone had to write it down. Someone had to translate it. The harder I looked for god the more I found men, and I do not have faith in men.