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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • A dude had heard about some other kind of god, and so he randomly looked up at the sky and basically said “if you let me win this battle, I will convert my entire country”…

    …and he won, and so Roman Catholicism was born cause he said so.

    Later, some dude was like “screw your catholicism, I don’t like my wife any more, I’ll go make my own church with hookers and blow and divorce my wife,” and so the Church of England was made cause he said so.

    I may have oversimplified these stories but pretty sure that’s about it.

  • I feel the country spent the 90s hiding racism, and it came out during the election. I knew things were going south when McCain at that town hall in 2008 had to shut down an elderly woman trying to be racist about Obama, amd McCain had to defend Obama as a great person and that they simply have policy differences, and McCains own supporters boo’ed him.

    MAGA and Trump are for sure symptoms and products of a pre-existing condition.

    Some go as far as saying Reagan ending the fairness doctrine in news gave rise to Fox news which unraveled the closeted racism in time to hate Obama, and then I wanna say Obama roasted Trump in 2011 and I once read that some in his inner circle admit that triggered Trump to look at running for President cause he was butthurt. Although Trump talked about running since like the mid-80s.