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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • When I was younger, like 15/16, I was working a job in a stone quarry during my spring break. Long days, hot sun but all cash and made decent money.

    One of my neighbors whom I would briefly speak to all the time wanted to borrow some money. I think it was $400 or something. At that age, I wanted to help out and I wanted seem cool, so I lent it. He asked for a bit more and more and eventually it ended up to about $1100. My neighbor said their paycheck was coming ‘next week’ and could easily pay me back.

    Next week never came. I followed up with the neighbor and they said something happened to their paycheck but the money was coming. He then said a showing of good faith, he’d give me his payslip as proof and that I needed to get it back to him so I he cash he check. Stupid me knew something to was up but because I was naiive and impressionable, I told him I trusted him and I’ll await the money.

    I managed to get his number and I called to follow up again, but he had some girl answer the phone and when I asked to speak to him, she said, “Oh he’s getting cookies right now…”

    A week later the phone was disconnected and then I didn’t see him for a while. I then moved out of the neighborhood.

    Eventually I saw him a few years later and mentioned about the money that he owed me but he ‘wasn’t sure what I was talking about’. I long since before then realized the money was gone. Expensive lesson but that’s a story of how I got scammed.

  • With epoxy-based putty or paste. Take a tool and dig out as much rot as you can. There’s a two part epoxy you can get that goes on either as a paste or a putty.

    For the paste, you’ll need to build it up over a few coatings. For the putty, you can form it like play-doh.

    Use batons to form it or get it in rough shape and then use planers, very sharp chisels and/or sandpaper to shape it. I typical do the shaping when the epoxy is not 100% cured but rather, 60%-80%. Easier to shape.

    Once in the correct shape, allow to cure and paint.

    Don’t use liquid epoxy. Unless you have a 100% fool-proof seal, you’ll make a mess. Hell, you’ll probably make a mess even with one.

    Good luck!

  • Get yourself a hobby that you’re truly passionate about. You might have to do a few hobbies to find out the one you like the most. Do not worry about being shitty at said hobby. You don’t have to be good at something to enjoy it. As you do the hobby more, you will get better with time.

    With a good hobby and time, you’ll wean your focus off of the heartbreak. The real ‘soulmates’ you meet in life are usually found in doing the shit you enjoy. Even if you don’t meet someone, you’ll be 100x happier than most.

    Good luck friend.