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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s a thing.

    Things can literally be “too cute” and it shorts our brains out causing feelings of aggression towards the too cute thing.

    Like, how people talk about eating a babys toes, some people are repeating a saying, some are honestly experiencing the urge to do it because their brains are overloaded with cute.

    Like in Fight Club where Jared Leto was too pretty so Edward Norton bashed his face in.

    It’s not some maladaptive behavior or anything though, it’s just whatever thing you’re looking at is literally too cute for your brain to comprehend.

  • They say your brain imagines these scenarios so that you can try to avoid them

    Not quite.

    Like, there’s a scary amount we don’t know about the brain and how it works.

    But I think it’s a little different than you said. It’s the brain trying to figure out how it would deal if that happened.

    Like, you avoid stabbing yourself by not stabbing yourself.

    But your brain is evaluating if stabbing yourself so you can practice surviving a stab wound would be a good idea.

    Which, sounds crazy, untill you realize most of what humans do for fun involves tricking our brains or bodies I to think we’re in danger. Hell, even the drive to “play” is just tricking us into exercising so we’re stronger if we do have to fight.

    Even tickling is just teaching kids what parts to guard in a fight.

  • In college I was enjoying some recreational activities at a house party.

    Next to me on a couch was this kid who had like low grade cerebral palsey or something. Like, legitimately, he had those arm crutch things Walter White’s kid had. Never asked what it actually was.

    Anyways, he laughs at something and leans back on the couch. And accidentally does one of those back punches like Bruce Lee. Like, where someone sneaks up behind him and he just hits them with the back of his fist without looking.

    Anyways, dude gets me straight in the nose, doesn’t stop laughing, gets two inches from my face and screams

    You just got punched by a fucking cripple

    And just absolutely died laughing.

    He was a cool dude, and that was probably the only time he’s punched anyone in his life, and it was absolutely an accident. But it was just hilarious how he rolled with it

  • 100% low on coolant, which means you have a leak.

    If it suddenly got really shitty, then it’s a big leak and no way around it.

    If it’s slowly gotten shittier and shittier, so slow you’re just now really worrying about it. Then it’s likely a tiny pinhole leak. The environmently right thing to do is still to get the leak repaired, depending on your state laws you may not have a choice.

    But for a pinhole you can charge it back up and could be good for years, could be good a week.

    Now you’re a renter, so if you’re in a good state you maybe able to report the suspected leak, and then they have to get it checked?

    It’s one of those things where any one person has a negligible effect, but if everyone goes one way or the other it’s a huge effect, so some states say you can’t charge without doing a leak check and then they have to fix it before charging.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.worldqzs
    6 days ago

    I just really liked the idea that OP thought they were exaggerating the timeline with that, when they were still waaaaaay off on how baked in that behavior really was.

    Modern life makes a lot more sense when you realize we really weren’t built for this shit. On an evolutionary timescale we went from taking a shit while walking like a horse to Star Trek in an afternoon.

    It makes it a lot easier to let shit go instead of assuming the other person is fucking with you intentionally. Which ironically is another thing baked into our instincts. It’s safer to think someone you don’t know is a threat and is acting maliciously. Now a days it’s maladapted into road rage shootings because someone forgot to signal for a merge.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.worldqzs
    6 days ago

    I wouldn’t judge someone who shows up to a campground at 430 am too harshly…

    They’re probably running on pure lizard brain at that point.

    Like, depending on your definitional of rational, there was/is a reason for this behavior, but it’s not like someone intentionally decides to do it. It’s just autopilot.

    A lot of what we do is just autopilot and rationalizing it later. Shits crazy interesting, but we can’t really study it because it’s not ethical to just cut people’s brains in half for no reason other than to gain knowledge. And there was only a brief period it was a valid medical treatment for things like epilepsy.

    Sperry performed another similar experiment in humans to further study the ability of the right hemisphere to recognize words. During that experiment, Sperry asked volunteers to place their left hand into a box with different tools that they could not see. After that, the participants saw a word that described one of the objects in the box in their left field of view only. Sperry noted that most participants then picked up the needed object from the box without seeing it, but if Sperry asked them for the name of the object, they could not say it and they did not know why they were holding that object. That led Sperry to conclude that the right hemisphere had some language recognition ability, but no speech articulation, which meant that the right hemisphere could recognize or read a word, but it could not pronounce that word, so the person would not be able to say it or know what it was.

    In his last series of experiments in humans, Sperry showed one object to the right eye of the participants and another object to their left eye. Sperry asked the volunteers to draw what they saw with their left hand only, with closed eyes. All the participants drew the object that they saw with their left eye, controlled by the right hemisphere, and described the object that they saw with their right eye, controlled by the left hemisphere. That supported Sperry´s hypothesis that the hemispheres of brain functioned separately as two different brains and did not acknowledge the existence of the other hemisphere, as the description of the object did not match the drawing. Sperry concluded that even though there were no apparent signs of disability in people with a severed corpus callosum, the hemispheres did not communicate, so it compromised the full function of the brain.


  • Eh.

    It could be just her going thru possible consequences out loud. Maybe intentionally to drive the point home about what could have happened.

    Like, this is some real shit that women do always need to be aware of, and men just never fucking think about, because we don’t have to.

    OP could live in a super sketch area where this level of vigilance is warranted and this shit could be going thru her head.

    Like from her POV OP didn’t take the risk serious enough to meet her, if he’s not willing to do that, her mind is running thru where the line is on what he would do. You zero into that by asking big questions. And again, it could be to try and set in the possible consequences.

    Like, her wanting to know what level of commitment he has to her safety. I doubt it was extrajudicial executions in her mind, and more Liam Niessons style rescue as a rhetorical device.

    For a woman a partner who values their security and safety is important both on an instinctual and sadly still practical level. They have a lot more threats then the average dude will ever think about, especially when young and in the dating stages of life. Even married men sometimes don’t learn about it till later when they have kids their responsible for.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.worldqzs
    6 days ago

    Instinctual survival habits.

    If you asked them why, they likely couldn’t give you an answer, or they’d rationalize one on the spot without realizing it.

    We have millions of years of evolution telling us it’s better to be grouped up to sleep, and just a couple generations at most for recreational camping etiquette.

    Instincts will always wins that battle

  • Fucking public freakout weirdly broke a lot of news for me back on Reddit.

    George Floyd, the protests, crazy trump news, Myanmar… Strangely what sticks out is the Target fire extinguisher lady on a rascal that ended up being parodied in Atlanta. Like, I saw that shit live completely accidentally.

    It was crazy how before something had a chance to hit the news, someone already had a full video (sometimes even with context) posted.

    The user base was terrible at times, and likely is now again. But there was a period when so much crazy shit was going on, that it actually had rational takes the crazy was diluted enough.

    It was just nuts to have a random Livestream up, and see huge national news stories unfolding live or at least immediately after filming.

    I don’t think people realized how all that shit lead to political engagement in 2020, people were fucking pissed and motivated.