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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • My whole family is racist, so I’ve spent a lot of time un-learning shit while being mindful of my subconscious biases. The last time I was with my family, I had to leave the room because they were all sitting in a circle talking about how black people are genetically inferior. Literally, that’s just how they spend some evenings, being overtly racist to each other.

    I’ve had a few black friends throughout my life, all wildly different. One was a stuffy nerd with alopecia. One was a little person grunge rock bass player. One is the most eloquent, kind, and fanciful gay man I’ve ever met.

    There is one, lone insight I think I’ve gleaned from my experiences with black culture. My family often complains about black people being loud, and I think I have an understanding as to why they sometimes are. One is, like you said, they aren’t as afraid to express emotion and that can be as loud as the strength of the emotions. Another reason, I think, is that throughout history they have been marginalized, ignored, and forced to live in out-of-the-way areas. This is not lost on them. I think a way of reclaiming their humanity is in reclaiming their right to be seen and heard. They are THERE. You can ignore them and the issues facing them but you cannot ignore 24" subwoofers. You can’t ignore bright colors, dazzling chrome, and the shaking hydraulics of a lifted car.

    Also, I’m with you. Whenever black folk are around, I just feel safer. Like, when I go out, I fear right wing nutjobs and their violence, and that just feels less likely to occur when I’m around non-white people. If I’m somewhere and there’s only other white people, I’m nervous because one of them is guaranteed a brain dead red-tin-foil-hat wearing psychopath, and with no minorities around he’s likely to let everybody know exactly how racist he is.

  • Vigilantism, by definition, has no accountability. It’s an individual, who could be mistaken, doling out their own interpretation of justice. There are always exceptions to the rule. Sure, posing as a child could illicit attention from child predators, but it could also attract someone who is concerned about the welfare of the (fake) child. I can imagine someone, abused as a child, wanting to reach out and help someone they think is in danger of falling victim to the same. It’s not a huge stretch of the imagination.

    However, our legal system is woefully inadequate in addressing the amount of predators out there, precisely because it hinges on evidence of an act that often has none, while going unreported for long periods of time.

    I’d say, that if someone is attempting to meet up with a child for the purpose of engaging in sexual contact, and you are alerted to that, you get to beat the shit out of them, but I’d draw the line at recording and posting, just in case you were wrong. Guy gets beaten up, learns a lesson, but if he was innocent, all he did was get his ass whooped.

  • I just can’t get into one-player games anymore. My little brother, who’s awesome in every way, got me these two great games for birthday and Christmas. Hades, and Witcher III: Wild Hunt. And I can’t for the life of me get into them. I want to play with other people! Also, I’m one of those people that wants to explore every little bit of the world before going to fight the boss, because I hate being under leveled for a fight. Leads me to explore for an hour, find a bunch of sweet stuff that definitely will help me later in the game, then I die to a pack of flipping wolves, lose all my stuff and have to start over. Did that a couple times then stopped.

    Started Hades, and the game started with blaring music that I couldn’t turn down. Nothing in the game controls was doing it, so I turned it off.

    Meanwhile I’m basically addicted to DOTA 2, and put over 1000 hours into SMITE just because that was a game my lil bro played. Soon as I got good enough to play SMITE with him, he stopped playing 😥

  • I solved this by purchasing 2 sets of 15 white cotton rags. When I finish evacuating my bowels, I use the bidet. Then toilet paper to make sure everything is clean. Then I use one of the rags to dry off whatever water happened to get on my genitals, before giving the backside a good wipe down as well (women learn this young, but for the men, ALWAYS CLEAN FRONT TO BACK. NEVER BACK TO FRONT. That’s how you get a UTI). Toss the rag into a small laundry hamper I keep in the bathroom, and voila! You’re clean, dry, and ready to go. Just wash the rags with some bleach, and you can fold them as you take a dump instead of doom scrolling.

  • Friday marked 5 years of sobriety from alcohol for me, which was nice. Then on Saturday I went to my city’s pride parade. I asked a friend to come with me, and another friend if they wanted to play a round of disc golf afterwards, but both cancelled. This usually means I wallow in self-pity, but instead I got geared up in my gayest outfit, and enjoyed the festival anyway! it was like 100 degrees, but I was proud to see so many happy people having a great time in one of the most welcoming, accepting environments ever.

  • I still have my original Nintendo 64 Gold edition that I purchased when I was 13 or so. I’ve recently got it hooked back up, and discovered that playing Mario Kart while on my recumbent stationary bicycle makes the time fly past. I speed up my pedaling cadence whenever I’m on straightaways, stop pedaling when I have to hard brake, makes for a more vibrant workout. In fact, it’s worked out so well it has me thinking about how well a gym/arcade hybrid business would do…

    Also I finally figured out how to drift for a speed boost, so. come at me, bro