Palestinian supporters are free to keep bringing the issue up and I think they should keep building momentum around it. It’s certainly relevant as the genocide is ongoing, nobody said they should “just shut up about it”, BUT given the current situation in American politics right now, it’s fighting for attention with everything else going on. At best, it’s noise that people can easily tune out because Americans are FLOODED with political messaging right now. At worst, some on the Left may even be somewhat dismissive because it’s assumed to be a disingenuous argument being made by bad-faith actors to divide the Left’s vote.
I realize how heartless this all sounds when people are literally dying by American weapons, but that’s where we’re at. After the election, the dynamic changes and you have less infighting within the Left around protesting about Israel and trying to split the vote and a much better chance of organizing around the issue. Don’t shut up about it, keep the pressure up, but the better time to turn up the heat is after the election.
I’m sorry about whatever you’re going/have gone through. I don’t mean to dismiss what you’re going through, but from my point of view as a guy, women hold much more power than men in our society. Some of the things you talk about are traditional social stigmas and such, things that only matter if you care what other people think or about “traditional values”, but they’re essentially meaningless outside of that and likely aren’t as big an issue as what you’re making them out to be. You’re also generalizing alot of things about what men do, say, or think, things that probably only apply to a fraction of men, and likely to men that even other guys don’t particularly like either. And in many other cases, the people who are shaming women for their behavior aren’t men, it’s other women that are stigmatizing women’s behavior or putting pressure on what their expectations are.
In the dating world, women hold all the cards and basically have their pick of mates, whereas men are just happy to get any attention at all. In the court of law, where things hold much more weight, women hold much more advantages over men in issues related to divorce, child custody, child support, and are often given privileges by virtue of the fact that they’re women. Women can take half a man’s net worth just based on having been in a marriage contract with them, it doesn’t matter what kind of spouse they were.
Men are generally ignored for large periods of our lives by everybody and are more or less expendable, we just don’t matter at all. Men are seen as pieces of meat, just in a different light, we’re donkeys or pack mules in many cases. Our feelings are often ignored, depression or any other emotions are brushed aside and made fun of as often by women as by men. We’re seen as simple-minded and only concerned with sex, we’re degenerate pigs who will always be guilty of any depravity we’re accused of.