• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I like to find news sources that analyze the story as well as explains where it fits into the ongoing situation, why it’s relevant, and has a reasonably accurate history of predictions based on their analysis. Since this is rare, I try to find a source that has 3 of the 4 to make it part of my news consumption. So this tends to include Democracy Now!, Some More News, Last Week Tonight, Beau of the Fifth Column, AP, and the like. A lot of the sources shared on lemmy, bar the NYT, are in that category

  • If you truly want to help him, give him a list of post-carceral support resources, a note stating that you’re only willing to help more if he truly wants to change, and a small amount of money to get started.

    Make it clear in the letter that you don’t want to see him in prison and that you know he’s a better person than that. Do not bring up the falling out just yet in case he’s willing to contact you for a real life change.

  • I was shot in the eye with a bb gun when I was in 9th grade. It was absolutely miserable. Right after it happened, I had to practically get carried back. My cousin and one of my friends held me up on either side because I couldn’t see anything and wanted to just lay there due to how severe the pain was.

    The trip to the emergency room is a story too. A nurse in the ICU thought I was hit by a baseball despite the paperwork and asked me, a teenager that definitely didn’t get to the hospital myself, if I knew my mom when she returned from the bathroom. After getting to the ER, I vomited up the entire stack of pancakes and the half dozen bologna sandwiches I had eaten that day (I was 14, teenage hunger). 2/10, do not recommend.

  • This one starts back in high school:

    Have plans to enter West Point, build a military career, retire from the military at 50 and do civilian work for fun to pass the time. Get shot in the eye with a bb gun at 14, which ends all military aspirations. Pick the second choice college because they accepted me first with a scholarship. Go to college for physics, but listen to the guidance counselor about the 7 week intro web programming course. Drop out of physics and change major to computer science at the last possible second in the first semester of the first year. Continue to take various history courses throughout college that don’t count to a history degree. Graduate and move back in with mom for the summer. Apply to relevant jobs for over a year without success, pick up some work in grocery stores in the meantime. Quit the hometown grocery store at the end of the summer after publicly confronting the store owner about threatening to illegally deduct from my paycheck. Move in with college roommate and friend in the big city while still applying for relevant work and working at Aldi. Work with a communist store manager and have political discussions with him during the George Floyd protests and COVID. Get hired into QA for a big video game company. Walk out with the others when a major sexual harassment lawsuit is filed against the company. Walk out again when the CEO is discovered to be complicit and enabling the harassers. Walk out and go on strike when workers get laid off. Start organizing a union. Win my union.

    I feel like I should have pursued my first choice college more, because it was a big 10 public college while the second choice was a private liberal arts college (take a guess which one was cheaper). By far the most rewarding thing in my career has been my part in winning the fight to organize my union. I didn’t realize it then, but now it seems clear that my interests and actions throughout my life have led me to a career as an activist.