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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Our best understanding of neurology is like a blank map. As we grow and learn, we discover places on the map. We discover where the feelings on our fingers grow, and how to imitated the noises we hear. We discover the balance and coordination to walk and run and flip. Each place on the map is connected like pathways through a forest. The more we run along the path, the wider and more permanent it becomes.

    The true power of the human mind is the ability of language. We have a superpower, to create an infinite number of sounds and shapes that arbitrarily describe an unlimited set of concepts. There are things we never dreamed of that our grandchildren will name, and it is this capacity to observe, remember, and describe things that has given rise to every great human accomplishment.

    You learned the word “airport” as a place on your map. You never needed to connect it to the etymological history of the word, so you never needed to walk those paths. They were always there, which is why it seems obvious to you now, and also why a lot of people have the initial inclination to say “duh, of course.” That’s an expected response.

    But we should all appreciate and marvel at the enormity of civilized history that has us here, scribing words on glass and light and copper, sending them instantaneously around the world, to discuss how the place where our flying machines engage in cooperative commerce and transport, how that concept is so mundane that you never even bothered to glance at the constituent words as separate concepts.

    This is an amazing world, and we are all marvelous creatures. We are the absolute quintessence of stardust, and our progeny will look back on us as quaint.

    Man, these are good drugs.

  • I always recount the story of the Hovercraft Christmas.

    There was one toy I wanted for Christmas. We were firmly middle class growing up, so it wasn’t like I had all the toys, but I was old enough to know that my parents were footing the bill and getting an RC hovercraft was going to mean I only get one present that year.

    Iirc it was called the Typhoon, or maybe the Typhoon II.

    The commecials showed it zipping across land and water, jumping off ramps, bouncing off a lake, etc. It was the coolest fucking thing ever. I begged my parents for it, and would not shut up for months about getting an RC hovercraft.

    Christmas comes, and wonderous joy, I got the hovercraft! Life is good, but the battery needs to charge. Shit, OK, we plug it in and let it charge all day while we go do the normal Christmas family visits. Everyone I talked to that day got a lesson in how hovercrafts work, and how it can travel on a pocket of air to move across land AND water.

    We got home late that night. It was probably after 10pm, way past everyone’s bedtime, including my parents who had been up all night making the Christmas magic happen for my younger siblings who still believed. But I put my fucking foot down. I had waited for months to get my hovercraft. I had waited all day for the battery to charge. I would not wait another god damned minute to go zipping around the backyard. So, my dad and I put coats on over our pajamas, went out to the driveway, and fired that bad boy up.

    I can still perfectly remember the sound of the fans turning on, and the little rubber skirt inflating. Sure enough, the hovercraft was floating on a pocket of air! But the driveway was on a mild incline, so the hovercraft started to drift sideways. Then I hit the throttle and… nothing. Just the sound of the fans spinning, but no motion.

    Bzzzzz. BZZZZZZ. Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz. The fans spun impotently against the inertia of the hovercraft. It wouldn’t move at all, except to sadly drift towards the gutter. My dad gave it a little nudge with his foot, and it got stuck on a tiny stone chip.

    I learned a lot about physics from that one night, but I learned even more about advertising.

  • To make something that looks exactly like a pyramid, I imagine the easiest thing to do would be to fabricate large stone blocks and stack them the same way the pyramids were built. Cranes could make short work of the stacking, and if you’re willing to spend more, you could make the blocks out of lighter materials like fiberglass and foam. Even with natural stone, you could have multiple cranes and multiple crews to be done in like a month. Fabrication and delivery would also depend on the availability of the materials, so that might take another six weeks if you’re willing to spend the money.

    If it were a standard construction project, you might budget for two years to create the drawings, get permits, bid out the job to contractors, prep the site, build the dang thing, and get final inspections. How much it would cost would also depend on materials selected and where it was built. Labor rates, land value, material costs, all of that varies by location and even the seasons.

    Budget, Quality, Speed. These are the three corners of the universal priority triangle. If you want it fast and good, it’s going to cost a lot of money. Fast and cheap will be low quality. Good and cheap will take a long time (maybe forever).

  • The evidence isn’t even that strong, there i just aren’t that many people willing to risk becoming a pariah to dispute them.

    If you are a Christian, there is no doubt Jesus existed. Any oblique reference to a rabbi who was persecuted hundreds years ago is considered evidence that Jesus existed. But no contemporaneous documentation exists.

    If you’re not a Christian, debunking all of those vague references that might be proof of a Jewish leader named Jesus just isn’t particularly important, won’t persuade anyone who believes Jesus was(is) God, and will paint a target on your back for terrorists.

  • Because Conservativism is not an ideology. It’s narcissism dressed in a stoic costume. Conservatives believe themselves to be righteous, so they support policies and legislation that benefit themselves. They gain followers by promoting a sense of belonging so they can defend the self and attack the other. There is no lie to brazen, no hypocrisy too obvious, no depth too low for a conservative seeking power, because they are justified by their identity. If the conservative is good, then anything the conservative does or says is good while they are doing it or saying it.

    When they can no longer hold power through politics, they always fall back on fascism and bigotry.