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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I still had this on my clip board from earlier, when I mentioned it in another thread. One of my favorite parts of one of my favorite songs. The Dead Kennedy’s Stars and Stripes of Corruption. If you have never heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=983DwAOCXRI

    But what can just one of us do
    Against all that money and power trying to crush us into roaches?
    We won’t destroy society in a day
    Until we change ourselves first from the inside out

    We can start by not lying so much and treating other people like dirt
    It’s so easy not to base our lives on how much we can scam
    And you know it feels good to lift that monkey off our back

    If you don’t know the song, its chalk full of cynicism and angst. But it ends with a good message. The fast beat and quick rythmic delivery of the lyrics with the beautiful surf guitar…

    If we don’t try
    If we just lie
    If we can’t find a way
    To do better than this
    Who will?

  • did you read the second book? Control goes into that storage room and he realizes that there isn’t a storage room there and then he realizes its the scientist is in in the wall and maybe its the doppelganger hiding there and its trying to close the room on him essentially eating him! That part is seriously fucked up. And then WTF happens to Control when he gets to the bottom of the lighthouse stairs? My wife thinks he turns into one of the white rabbits.

  • The Area X series (Southern Reach Trilogy) is fucked up!

    Ok let me give you a couple reasons if you haven’t read it

    There’s this place, and it seems to be growing that has a weird effect on reality and the longer you stay there the stronger the effect. It centers around a lighthouse in a rural area. The government runs experiments but it’s hush hush and nobody knows anything about it. BTW it’s getting bigger.

    People that leave the area x, might be doppelganger or so changed, it’s the same to outside observation.

    It’s seriously a really good stuff and absolutely fucked up