I can’t stand chewing noises over headphones. its fucked up to eat when your mic is on dont do it
Microfiber towels sticking to dry skin on your hands like velcro. Soggy sandwich bread. The way cotton balls feel and sound when you pull them apart. Non-skid on bare feet. Wooden utensils or popsicle stick wood on my tongue. Being touched by dogs with wet beards. Trying to sleep in bed with dirty feet. Synthetic fragrances.
I’m sure there’s more.
Fibers snagging on a chewed or broken nail
Dry, dirty hands after working in the garden. I mean dry.
Sharp Scrape of utensil on plate.
A thick seam on socks at the toes.
Too-tight clothing.
Repetitive noise.
Sometimes people chewing. Or talking around chewing.
The sound of a metal utensil squeaking against a plate. Nails on a chalkboard. Dry skin on dry paper. The smell of tobacco smoke. The sound of a modified or worn out muffler on a car or motorcycle. The tickle of a runny nose. The tickle of drops of sweat running down my face and back on a hot day.
Barking. It drives me absolutely mad.
Unfortunately in the US people are OBSESSED with dogs. Everyone has one and so many people just leave them outside to bark and bark and bark and bark and bark and… :/
I have a cat. She is currently emitting no noise and is a moderate grey color.
This is how you can easily differentiate people and assholes. Assholes leave their dogs outside.
This miiiiight not be a sensory thing, but here goes.
To me, everything has, like, a correct feeling it has to give before leaving it to rest. If not, it’s a little too rough, or smooth, it just feels off. And I can keep feeling it after stopping touching it. And anytime I look at the object. I can feel it when I watch a movie or show and someone puts something down in some indescribably wrong way.
To be clear, this isn’t a placement thing. Organization and whatnot don’t matter, it’s just like “Oh my foot just dragged forward on the carpet, that was weird and rough forward, now I have to do it backward to make it feel right,” or “I just out that down and from the sound, I can tell it went down wrong. I gotta go adjust it.” That loops until I get it just right, usually a process of 2-45 minutes.
I get this a lot too… Sometimes it extends to placement of an object but more like; I adjusted this candle and it went too far counter clockwise so now I need to adjust it equally counter clockwise before moving to the right position or it would “feel” off.
I’m not a professional but that sounds a lot like OCD
I wouldn’t mind it being legal but oh my god I can’t stand the smell of weed
I don’t like handling anything most people would call soft and fluffy. Such as the fuzzy coats.
Cotton is fine, animals are fine. It’s the material that I find becomes grippy for my dry skin.
Hearing the sound of people eating. Especially if it’s louder than what i would consider normal.
At one office i worked in the guy on the other side of the cubicle wall from me was a loud eater and constant snacker. Drove me insane. Sound of people eating just completely puts me on edge.
Me too, it makes me so irrationally angry.
Stickiness anywhere on my body, but it most often happens when I eat something sticky with my hands like a caramel or something.
Having something stuck between my teeth.
Store Music
I hate it.
Holiday music. Too repetitive.
A crowd talking.
Basically, it can be summed up as, TOO MUCH FUCKING NOISE
(I just want some silence 🥲)
When hurricane Beryl hit us, Target was on generators with very minimal lighting and no music. It was such a great shopping experience, that I flagged down the manager and asked them to do this full time.
Of course they didn’t. But man, I miss that.
There’s a supermarket nearby that has a ‘quiet hour’ every day, mostly aimed at neurodivergent customers. I try to go at that time, it’s a much less stressful experience.
Some noise I do like though, if a store is dead quiet it feels like you can’t talk to anyone or even ask a vendor a question without being the attention of everyone in the surrounding area. There is a bit of privacy to a bit of noise. Though I agree to much is terrible.
I hate things on my face. Glasses, masks, creams, etc. Covid mask requirements drove me crazy. Still followed them because I’m not an idiot or an asshole, but, boy was I always happy to get the fuck back to my car or home so I could remove it.
I also hate cacophonies. A single loud sound is annoying but not unbearable. Being in a crowded space where hundreds of people are talking, even at a normal volume, however, is maddening. I used to have recurring nightmares about people coming up to speak to me and when they opened their mouth, it was just that murmuring sound of a large crowd. Shit gives me the willies. 😬
Ever been to a busy gun range? Within 20-minutes my entire body is vibrating. I wouldn’t shoot if I didn’t have my own range in the boondocks.
An indoor range? Never. Plenty of outdoor ones. Mostly as a cub scout, so it was all super low caliber shit (.22s and shotguns). that wasn’t really all that loud. Loudest thing I ever fired was a random 30 ought 6; only ever knew it as that. Even with ear protection, that thing hurt to shoot.
being indoors, surrounded by concrete and firing guns tho? I can only imagine it being pretty bad.
The fact that 99% of LED Christmas lights are mini strobe lights.
My folks bought a new house and got all this expensive LED lighting installed everywhere and they ALL run at such a low frequency they look like strobe lights to me. I hate it so much.
Nice place otherwise, though.
I don’t notice normal LEDs generally.
But anything moving in front of Christmas lights gives me a giant headache. It’s incredibly obvious.
Many many things! Notably though: having anything on my hands (I cook and bake by stocking paper towels and an empty sink and reminding myself constantly I can stop and wash at any time), anything too tight clothing wise (this is so much stuff it sucks), strong perfumes, the scent of peanut butter, feeling a glass that has not been cleaned (it feels ugly)