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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • He’s not an organic tech reviewer. All of his devices are sponsored. He exists in a completely different world than the vast majority of his audience. Money is not an object for him and he promotes always having day 1 tech.

    That’s true to some extent, I guess.

    I’ve always thought his approach has remained broadly consistent to his roots (I’ve been subbed to him since he was much, much smaller) but yes, the products he reviews now are almost always provided to him rather than being bought by him personally. This becomes true of any channel of his size, but I’ve not seen his opinion change as a result.

    He addresses the topic about bias in this short , but we can look to his phone of the year awards to assess his biases objectively. For every year since the awards began in 2014, an Android device has always won Phone of the Year. An iPhone has never won an award for Best design, Best Value or Best Big Phone since records began either.

    iPhones have won best camera system since 2018, but he maintains that this is due to the superior video capabilities of iPhones, but still prefers the ‘look’ of a Pixel photo, or the hardware of a Samsung (20x zoom etc). Androids dominate every single category simply because there are so many companies developing and competing against each other to make better and better Android devices.

    Marques is personally almost always rocking a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy device as his main daily driver (because he loves the customisation and the freedom that android devices give him), and has an iPhone in his other pocket for apple things. He calls out bad Android and Apple devices in equal measure, and he actively advised against buying a newer Mac because the M2 and M3 products just don’t give you enough of an upgrade over M1 to make it worthwhile.

    I watch every single video he puts out and just don’t see the Apple shill thing. He has always come across as an Android fan to me, but I hear the Apple shill thing all the time.

  • All the activity in every zone I visit really does just feel so great. There’s no better sign a game is alive and healthy. It was totally that which hooked me.

    So true! It’s a game that really respects your time and there are always people around to help you if you get stuck.

    Welcome to GW2, I genuinely hope you continue to enjoy your time here!

  • Guild Wars 2 is great!

    I’m biased because I’ve been playing it since launch, but I’ve also dabbled in the others and simply couldn’t justify a sub fee when

    a) there are so many other games I’d like to play simultaneously and not feel guilty doing so b) there’s no gear treadmill! It really sucks in games like WoW where I want to check out the older content to get up to speed and just the zones were dead. Conversely, I’m doing map completion with my wife in GW2 and even the core maps had a bunch of people running around doing dynamic events and world bosses. The game feels so much more alive!

  • What a sickening take.

    Not only.do they not have to die from Israel bombs

    It’s THEIR LAND. Why are the only options “leave forever, or die?”.

    but don’t have to live under hamas rule

    There wouldn’t be a Hamas if Israel didn’t stop murdering and stealing land they have no right to. Between 2008 and 2020, 5,590 Palestinians have been murdered

    Until Israel has all of the land, this won’t stop. They continue to murder and maim for decades, and when a Hamas retaliation happens, well then “this is war”.

    Let’s be clear about something. This was ‘Christmas come early’ for Israel, as Hamas laid out an attack that gave them a cart blanche to go all out on Palestine, ignoring all wartime rules, as they commit actual genocide, confirmed by Israeli Holocaust scholars: https://www.wrmea.org/israel-palestine/holocaust-scholars-say-israel-is-committing-genocide.html

    The solution should always start with de-escalation. Everyone knows this. Cops are trained to do this. Why is nobody policing Israel? They can’t even commit to saying what is going on in Israel is definitively Genocide.

  • With respect, what on Earth are you on about?

    Palestine hasn't existed on Israeli maps for a while . They said "There's no such thing as a Palestinian people", and ultimately it's clear that Israel is trying to eradicate all Palestinians into Egypt and neighbouring countries.

    Israel’s ismm actions are GENOCIDE, plain and simple. They do not recognise Palestine. The dehumanising language being used is textbook, in removing their humanity. They want all of the land to become Israel and they want all Palestinians out. Settlers on the west bank are clearing neighborhoods of people completely unrelated to the Hamas attack, with support from the Israeli police.

    Was the Hamas attack genocide? They definitely intended as such; and killed over a thousand people indiscriminately with the aim of causing as much damage as possible.

    But you cannot look at Israel’s actions and say what they’re doing isn’t genocide. That “this is war” is no excuse for the sheer scale of war crimes being committed.

    In 2018 innocent, peaceful protesters were being killed for sport, many of them children.. I have no confidence that the very same murderers, guiding rockets and now participating in the ground offence are any different and will have any sympathy for the Palestinians, whether it’s an elderly woman or child.

  • but you meant that Israel’s real purpose for invading Gaza is not to stomp out Hamas.

    I mean, kind of?

    The ultimate goal is to have all of Palestine become Israel, and have no more Palestinians live here - have them die, resettle in Egypt, or have other Arabian or European nations take in the refugees. They don’t want Palestinians sharing the land, when in reality the Palestinians were forced to share their land with Israel. After this they would have a complete patch of land (formerly the whole of Palestine) belong entirely to them. That’s the goal.

    Hamas is Netenyahu’s greatest gift from Palestine. If Palestine never retaliated, no one would ever be able to justify Israel’s terrorism (raiding innocent settlements, evicting people who have lived there for 10+ generations, saying “well if I don’t steal your home, someone else will”). With Hamas as a retaliatory force, they’ve been able to convince the world through incendiary and dehumanising language that Hamas are terrorists. IDF’s recent actions have been deemed “acceptable” by the world because they are retaliating and defending themselves from a Hamas attack, not taking into account that the Hamas attack itself was a retaliation for years upon years of Israeli attacks.

    When Hamas retaliates, they can use this brand of excessive force, where they bomb entire neighborhoods for the possibility of killing some Hamas members. Somehow the world is watching on - America says Israel is allowed to continue to defend itself, when that’s clearly far beyond what they’re doing now.

    If some Hamas soldiers die in the process, then so be it! Israel definitely does not want to eliminate all of Hamas until they have all of Palestine though, since they need an enemy to make their war legit, but at the same time, it’s impossible to eliminate Hamas without Palestine, because Hamas is comprised of untrained, uneducated kids who have seen nothing but war since they were children.

  • You seem to be confused. I’ll help you understand. It’s a matter of perspective:

    For Israel, this ‘invasion’ has nothing to do with Hamas. They were just waiting for a reason to seize more land, and this was the perfect opportunity to get the international community behind them. War crime upon war crime under the pretext of defense. Calls for a ceasefire will be ignored because this is their best chance in decades to take a sizeable chunk of Gaza.

    For Hamas, the constant, near century-long murdering of innocent men, women and children is causing the survivors of those attacks to take up arms in anger and fight back. They’re not getting a proper education. A Palestinian child born in the early 2000s has already survived 5 wars by now. Hamas is their only vocation. Yes, they’re terrorists to us (sitting in our armchairs and engaging in backseat politics from the comfort of our homes), but not to the Palestinian people who seem to be “shielding” them. No one in Palestine is blind to the real terrorists, i.e. Israel.

    This is a land grab pure and simple, and Israel is prepared to dig deep.

  • I legit went from “hmm I disagree, but understand where he’s coming from” to “this guy is deluded and crazy”.

    Property prices are super high everywhere right now and it’s easy to understand how some people want to live rent free whilst earning so they can enjoy extravagant lifestyles.

    But at 40, they’re pushing it too far, to force their 70+ y.o. mother to carry them while they offer nothing in return.

    IMO letting them chill for 40 years rent free is more than enough payment for ‘being born’. If they weren’t earning or were disabled etc and needed care etc then it would’ve been fine, but they’re legit deadbeat freeloaders who won’t bat an eyelid if their mom died.

    If they haven’t got a place to live, tough. They’ll learn the hard way. 40 years is plenty of time to have figured it out.

  • It’s just a war about a magical sky God, and his magical holy land


    You have a population of Palestinians living their lives -religion irrelevant, until the British went “yeah, sure you can have a patch of land there - it’s their land but we ‘own’ it and what we say goes”.

    Then Israel had a war and illegally claimed vast stretches of land that doesn’t belong to them to this day, and keeps on killing the remaining population that does live there and settling on the land that remains.

    You could remove religion from the entirely. It’s the fact that for almost 100 years, the Palestinian people have had invaders illegally settle on their land and be unable to repel them as they’ve got the backing and support of the major world powers to let them commit genocide. Trivialising it in the way you have done helps no one because it masks important history behind “religion bad”.

    You kill people constantly with the intent of eliminating them and you’re going to create a rebellious force from that population. Are they terrorists? In the eyes of the Palestinians, they’re most likely just brothers and sons who have lost their family in their youth, denied education and a chance at childhood and have grown up around war and are convinced their action is the only way to stop it. To us, sure, they’re terrorists. But I doubt anyone ‘sheltering’ Hamas is doing so out of fear and likely just sheltering family.